This is
my Portfolio

A small collection of projects I did in the university and privately.



To make my projects more visually appealing
I thought I'd just reference a few of these here.

August, 2021

Data Analytics

A few projects I have done to become comfortable with Jupyter Notebook and Data Analytics Projects

July, 2021

Data Science

A few projects I have done to become comfortable with Data Science Projects

April, 2021


My first steps with Pyhton. Made with the help of a tutorial by Keith Galli.

September, 2019

React Native

To get a feel for cross-platform, I made this project using React Native.

September, 2019


My first SwiftUI project. On my Github account there are many more projects with SwiftUI .

Juli, 2017

Swift 3

I made my first steps in mobile development in Swift 3 with these simple apps.